报告一起校园事件 或致电303-871-3000.
DU Report是DU的在线报道来源. 大学的学生, 员工, 社区成员可以通过DU report It就以下事项进行报告:
性Harassment和基于性别的Harassment & 暴力
机会均等办公室 & 第九条 is responsible for reviewing 和 investigating reports of 性- 和 gender-based discrimination, Harassment, 和暴力. 这包括基于性别的歧视和Harassment, 性别认同, 性别表达, 以及性取向, 还有正规赌博十大平台排行性Harassment的报道, 性侵犯, 性剥削, 跟踪, 家庭暴力和约会暴力. 更多正规赌博十大平台排行平等机会办公室的信息 & 第九条 和 the relevant University policies 和 procedures is available 在这里.
If you would like to find out more about the reporting process or resolution options prior to making a report or initiating a formal complaint, you can meet with the 第九条 Coordinator or Deputy 第九条 Coordinator without disclosing specific details of the situation.
感觉不知所措? 你不用一个人去.
倡导预防中心 & 授权(角) supports survivor healing by providing advocacy 和 support for survivors of 性侵犯, 暴力的关系, 跟踪和性Harassment. 所有的服务都是保密和免费的.
- 白天宣传:303-871-3853全天候
- 咨询顾问:303-871-2205
偏见、歧视 & Harassment
The University defines bias incidents as any behaviors that target individuals or groups based on their actual or perceived group identities. Examples may include but are not limited to: graffiti, Harassment, jokes, direct insults, etc. 具体形式, content, 偏见事件的动机/意图和影响各不相同, 但所有这些都有损于DU所致力于的包容性社区.
机会均等办公室 & 第九条 is responsible for reviewing 和 investigating reports of discrimination 和 Harassment based on race, color, 国家的起源, 祖先, 年龄(40岁及以上), 宗教, 信条, 残疾, 遗传信息, 资深地位, 军事征用, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 婚姻状况, 和怀孕. 更多正规赌博十大平台排行平等机会办公室的信息 & 第九条 和 the relevant University policies 和 procedures is available 在这里.
机会均等办公室 & 第九条 also coordinates with the University's Bias Incident Response Team (or "BIRT"), which is an internal working group tasked to coordinate campus response to bias incidents. BIRT不调查, 裁决或以其他方式参与司法/法律程序, but provides support to individuals 和 populations affected by such incidents. is an internal working group tasked to coordinate campus response to bias incidents. BIRT不调查, 裁决或以其他方式参与司法/法律程序, but provides support to individuals 和 populations affected by such incidents.
DU提供了一个匿名报告威胁的安全空间, 校园内或校园附近的犯罪和暴力行为. 在危及生命的紧急情况下或需要立即报警时, 消防或医疗援助, 拨打以下两个电话:
To assure that DU is effective in its mission to create 和 maintain a safe space, 校园安全部门请求你们的支持. If you see a crime or disruptive behavior occurring on campus, please report it. 有你的亲自帮助和第一手经验, the Department of 校园 Safety will respond with the proper procedures to assure your report is worked on.
To assure that The University of Denver meets its goal to comply with state 和 federal laws, the University makes it easy 和 accessible to report suspicions of a potential compliance problem. 使用灯塔服务, 员工和社区成员可以报告关注或问题, 如果他们愿意,可以匿名, 一天24小时都有可疑的行为, 一周七天. 有问题的做法可能包括但不限于欺诈, 非法, 不道德的行为, 或者其他类型的行为. The University of Denver takes reports seriously; reports are logged, 综述了, 妥善解决, 与大学法律总顾问办公室合作, 企业风险管理,以及校董会审计委员会.
Lighthouse Services is the University of Denver's contracted confidential third-party provider used to intake hotline reports. To report a potential problem or raise questions, please use contact methods. The option to remain anonymous is available through each of these methods.
- You can call the hotline provided by Lighthouse Services at the following numbers:
- 说英语的美国和加拿大866-780-0002
- 说西班牙语的美国和加拿大:800-216-1288
- You can fax a report through Lighthouse Services at 215-689-388 (请在报告中注明正规赌博十大平台排行).
- 你可以把报告发邮件给灯塔服务公司 reports@lighthouse-services.com (请在报告中注明正规赌博十大平台排行)
学生的权利 & 责任
All members of the University of Denver community are expected to engage both individually 和 as community members with Integrity, 尊重, 和责任. 这些价值观体现了学生的行为标准, 教师, 工作人员, 和管理人员作为大学社区的成员.
The 荣誉准则 is the student code of conduct that outlines the expectations, 权利, 以及每个学生的责任. This document provides information to support our students in developing 和 demonstrating integrity, 尊重, 以及个人和社会责任. 查看全文 荣誉准则 因为这与学生有关. 学生的权利 & 责任 addresses potential violations of the 荣誉准则 和/or University policies by all University of Denver students, 包括本科生和研究生. You can also report a potential violation of University COVID-19 protocols or a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy.
你也可以通过打电话给学生权利来报告违反荣誉守则的行为 & 职责电话303-871-5724.
学生接触 & 支持
学生接触 & 支持(SOS)通过将学生与资源联系起来帮助他们取得成功, 制定一个行动计划来实现他们的目标, 以及应对挑战的能力. The SOS 工作人员 creates an inclusive 和 welcoming environment for students to develop skills in self-awareness, 维护自己的权利, 弹性, 和导航来最大化他们的教育体验. 学生接触 & 支持 provides non-clinical case management to connect students who need help with appropriate resources. SOS可以协助:
Whether you are in need of support yourself or know someone who needs our services, 请尽快与SOS联系
电子邮件: sos@bbsetheme.net
The University’s Department of 校园 Safety is 工作人员ed 24 hours a day year-round by trained professionals employed to serve the University community. 在危及生命的紧急情况下, 或者需要立即报警的时候, 火, 或者医疗援助, 拨打以下两个电话:
- 911
- 303-871-3000
任何知道的大学相关人士, 犯罪嫌疑人, or receives information that a minor on campus has been Abused or Neglected, or who has other concerns about the safety of a minor on campus (including a missing minor), 必须通知以下一个或多个, 全年24小时提供服务:
- 校园安全部门,电话303-871-3000
- 杜克大学匿名热线303-871-7439
- 科罗拉多州虐待和忽视儿童热线:844-CO-4-Kids (844-264-5437)
This reporting requirement applies regardless of whether an affected minor is participating in a University Program. Questions about reporting obligations or h和ling a situation involving a minor on campus can be directed to the Department of 校园 Safety or 企业风险管理.